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Sustainable Tropical Agriculture Forum

Thu, Apr 11


INOVA USP - University City USP-SP

The Rectorate of the University of São Paulo (USP) invites you to the event "SUSTAINABLE TROPICAL AGRICULTURE FORUM", to be held on April 11, 2024, from 8:30 am to 10:30 am, at Inova USP (, Av. Professor Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 370, Armando Salles de Oliveira campus.

Sustainable Tropical Agriculture Forum
Sustainable Tropical Agriculture Forum

Time & Location

Apr 11, 2024, 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM GMT-3

INOVA USP - University City USP-SP, 05508-020, Brazil

About the event

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Rectorate of the University of São Paulo (USP) invites you to the event " ", to be held on April 11, 2024, from 8:30 am to 10:30 am, at Inova USP ( ), Av. Professor Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 370, Armando Salles de Oliveira campus, University of São Paulo, Butantã, São Paulo, SP, with the following schedule:SUSTAINABLE TROPICAL AGRICULTURE FORUM

Center created by the Rector of the University of São Paulo, through Resolution No. 8,383, of March 9, 2023, with the mission of promoting continuous interaction between USP Units and Public and Private Institutions in Brazil and Abroad, carrying out and coordinating the organization of collaborative studies between complementary areas, in order to articulate strategic and innovative solutions capable of promoting the country's prosperity, based on sustainable tropical agriculture.(a) Launch of the Center for Sustainable Tropical Agriculture (STAC):

STLab, the R&D&I Laboratory of the University of São Paulo (USP), carries out continuous actions in the integrated chain of industrial processes, agriculture, health and services in Tropical Environments, with the objective of establishing Standards and Seals based on concepts of sustainability, automation, traceability and artificial intelligence. These standards and Seals are auditable and verifiable in real time, thus meeting the demands of society. STLab relies on the technical and scientific collaboration of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa).(b) Launch of the Laboratory for Sustainability and Traceability in Tropical Environments (STLab):

A program created by the MDIC, which aims to facilitate and reduce bureaucracy in the access of Brazilian products and services to international markets, in addition to reducing costs for producers and exporters in the certification process. The main objective is to strengthen Brazil's image abroad, highlighting the sustainability of national products. For consumers, the Seal will offer a reliable means of information, allowing them to identify and choose products and services that have lower socio-environmental impacts.(c) Selo Verde Brasil Program:

The growing digitalization in Agriculture has been promoting changes in the functioning of this ecosystem, which require the construction of a database, establishment of innovative concepts, training of human resources and formulation of public policies necessary for Brazil to explore new technologies. to download the book “AGRO 4.0: Fundamentals, realities and perspectives for Brazil”.(d) Fundamentals, realities and perspectives of Digital Agriculture for Brazil:Click here

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